Richard “Pete” Talbot

colorful tree art


Mr. Talbot knows how to enjoy retirement. And he’ll be happy to tell you about it—if you can catch him between racquetball games, creating his electrifying 3-D acrylic paintings in the Art Studio or socializing with his wife, MaryAnn.

“I back-burnered my painting in the other house due to the amount of space it required and the mess,” Pete says. “But when I discovered Applewood had an Art Studio, I immediately took it up again.”

Pete’s recent work is currently on display at the Freehold Art Gallery on Main Street.

After a celebrated military career as a helicopter pilot, which included two tours of Vietnam, Pete began civilian life with vigor:

The Mendham, NJ native spent 25 years as the general manager of two New Jersey retirement communities and a private recreational community. From soup to nuts, he oversaw every aspect of daily operations, a skillset that would also come in handy when he and his wife began researching the ideal continuing care retirement community (CCRC) for themselves.

“Retirement communities are designed to keep you active and social,” Pete says. “MaryAnn and I enjoy the Casino Night, the fitness center, the live entertainment and movie nights.”

He is also a member of the popular Men’s Club and enjoys a weekly poker game with some of the men he’s met since moving in a year ago. Besides pursuing a plethora of hobbies at Applewood, including performing magic, he still finds time to read a new book every week.

“The on-site library has served me well and I’ve also donated a series of Louis L’Amour novels for other residents to enjoy.”

The Talbots also look forward to socializing with the wait staff in the The Bistro and formal dining room. “The dining staff is delightful, efficient and entertaining,” Pete says. “We both appreciate that they take the time to ask us about our day and how our families are doing. It’s the little things that make you feel like you are part of a community.”

When asked what advice he might offer newcomers, Pete replies, “There is so much to do here, so take advantage of it – try a new hobby, go to the parties, enjoy the entertainment. Life is meant to be enjoyed here.”