Cynthia Schaechter

Six People in Swimming Pool

Cynthia Schaechter moved to Applewood in September 2013, leaving behind a house she had shared with her late husband in an active adult community. “It was a big house and very lonely,” Cynthia says. “But primarily I moved here for the sake of my children. They were worrying about me all the time. I felt it was important for them to know I was someplace where I was safe.”

Cynthia was also ready for a more relaxing lifestyle, free of everyday chores and worries. “I got tired of shopping and cooking for one person. I also wanted to be around people,” she says. “Plus, at Applewood everything I need is available in this building – mail, newspaper, hairdresser, manicurist as well as the Health and Wellness Center – it’s all here.”  That convenience is especially important now that she has stopped driving.

Cynthia’s move to Applewood brought her closer to family members, including two sons, their wives and children, making it easier for them to spend time together. “I love it,” says granddaughter Allison. “It’s much nicer having her closer to us.”

“One of the great things about Applewood is I’m able to bring my son Simon here every weekend to go swimming and see his grandma,” says Eric, a son.

Cynthia enjoys the indoor pool as well, where she participates in Aquasizing three times each week. “One of my favorite things is being in the pool when it’s snowing,” she says. “I love to look out at the snow while I’m enjoying the water.”

The quality of service and the warmth of the staff are also important to Cynthia and her family. “I find the staff to be friendly, courteous, responsive,” says Robin, a daughter-in-law.

“Everyone is very caring and concerned.” Cynthia echoes Robin’s comments on the staff, saying “They are wonderful. They’re always smiling, always trying to please us and make us happy.”

Cynthia’s professional background gives her special insights into life at Applewood. She served as the Executive Director of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program for Middlesex County, New Jersey for three years. After that, she was Director of the East Brunswick Department on Aging for almost 18 years.

“I never thought I would live in a community like this myself,” she says, “but here I am, and I’m very happy. I do exactly what I want.”