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Resident Credits In-House Rehab for Successful Hip Replacement Recovery

Jul 5, 2022

Marjorie Zemek banner
Marjorie Zemek with staff

Marjorie Zemek and her physical therapist Megan (2022).

For a year, I was dealing with pain in my hip and leg. Not only was it difficult to walk, but it woke me up many times in the middle of the night. So, gathering my courage, I went to a very good orthopedic surgeon at Center State Medical Center. After he examined, x-rayed and spoke to me, the orthopedist said the four syllables I dreaded: “Hip-re-place-ment”.

Annoyed, disgusted, depressed and anxious, I scheduled my surgery for January 3, 2022. My surgery went well, although I woke up and thought, “Why did I do this?” Everyone told me that compared to knee replacement, this was nothing. (THEY LIED). The nurses pulled me out of bed and insisted I walk with a walker. Are you crazy? I don’t even know where I am. As always, the good student remains, and I walked about 20 feet, returned to bed and collapsed. The next day, my pain was there, but thankful the surgery was over. I got a clean bill of health, drugs and instructions from the doctor to rest for about a week and then start physical therapy.

Physical therapy? I can’t even make it to the bathroom myself. I asked a friend where I should go and she suggested the Rehabilitation Services Center right here at Applewood. Well, now the achievements really start. I walked in and within minutes of introducing themselves, the rehab team assigned me to a physical therapist named Megan and wow, she was good!

She pushed me, encouraged me, joked with me and just two months after surgery, I was walking around Applewood without a walker, pain or even a Tylenol.

The Applewood Rehabilitation Services staff was great; they were accommodating, fun, joking– but always serious. They worked with me on setting convenient appointments that were best for me; before you knew it, we were friends. I am 80-years-old and comfortably walk, climb stairs and occasionally even do a little running if I’m late for dinner.

Yes, there are some things they won’t let me do: I can’t raise my knees above my hips, which I often forget, and they always remind me to “be careful, don’t fall!”

Today, I’m in a very good place, thanks to the good surgeon and a spectacular group of Applewood-based physical therapists who really care. They don’t give up, even when I wanted to. They are all wonderful and I thank them very much, especially Megan, who nearly killed me, but within three quick months, gave me my life back! They won’t let me ski, ride a bicycle, skate or rollerblade, but that’s OK. I have plenty of time for that in my late years!

Learn more about less invasive approaches to hip replacement surgery at CentraState Healthcare System:

Applewood, affiliated with CentraState Healthcare System, is an award-winning, single-site, continuing care retirement community (CCRC) offering superior independent living, assisted living, memory care, skilled nursing and rehabilitative services for acute and chronic conditions. Contact our senior living professionals to learn more at 732-303-7416.
