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Tips For Making Friends in Retirement

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Want to boost your chance of celebrating your 100th birthday? Make sure you have plenty of friends. While researching her bestselling book Growing Young, science writer Marta Zaraska discovered having a strong social circle can almost reduce your mortality risk by half.

But how do seniors meet new friends? When we’re younger, we’re thrown into social situations at school or work, where it is relatively easy to make a new friend. But organic opportunities wane as we age, juggle careers, family responsibilities and leave the workforce.

If you’re wondering how to make friends in retirement, having more time to devote to the task increases your chances. A study reported in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships reveals that it takes about 50 hours for a friendship to develop.

Why Is Having Friends Important for Seniors?

It is not just about having someone to chat with. There are six great reasons why having friends is important as we age:

  • It improves overall wellness. Being socially active is one of seven dimensions for optimal holistic health.
  • It’s good for your heart. We don’t mean in the emotional sense, although that’s also true. The American Heart Association reports that social isolation and loneliness can increase the risk of a heart attack or death from heart disease by 29%.
  • It helps counteract cognitive decline. Recent research led by Johns Hopkins University has revealed that isolation increases the risk of dementia in adults over 65. “One possible explanation is that having fewer opportunities to socialize with others decreases cognitive engagement as well, potentially contributing to increased risk of dementia,” said researcher Alison Huang, Ph.D. Even email or phone calls make a difference.
  • It can help prevent unhealthy habits. Smoking, drinking and inactivity are all potential risk factors of loneliness.
  • Friends have a positive impact on us. Studies reveal that the positive impact of close friendships for seniors may surpass that of family. This is due to several factors, including shared interests, according to William Chopik, assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State University.
  • Happiness is contagious. As Forbes reports, research confirms that being around positive people has an uplifting effect.

5 Ways to Make New Friends in Retirement

1. Join a club or class. Common interests provide the foundation for a lasting friendship. Taking up a new hobby or reviving an old one is a natural way to increase your circle of friends..

2. Engage with potential friends on social media. Technology helps you stay in touch after retirement, but how can it help seniors meet new friends? You can build online connections and learn about local meetups by joining a Facebook group or Twitter community for people with mutual interests. If you need help navigating an app, ask a grandchild or take an online social media class. One advantage of meeting new people online is that you can slowly get to know them. If it doesn’t work out, it easy to simply stop responding to them.

3. Volunteer. Giving back provides a sense of purpose and brings you into contact with people of all ages. Consider offering your services to a cause or organization that matters to you. If you’re not sure where to begin, there is a wide range of opportunities offered by AmeriCorps, from helping kids learn to read to delivering meals to families.

4. Cultivate acquaintances. They might not become your new best friend, but having a network of casual friendships boosts your sense of community and improves your quality of life. Strike up a conversation with a fellow gym member or ask your dry cleaner how their day is going.

5. Move to a life plan community. Forging relationships later in life can feel awkward, but choosing a new community can make it easier. How? Seniors can make new friends naturally at our communities for active adults. A safe environment encourages you to get to know your neighbors, and our extensive leisure facilities, activities and restaurants offer plenty of opportunities to mingle. Contact us today to schedule a tour of one of our communities to see for yourself. You just might make a new friend during your visit!