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Financial Outlook

Our financial stability helps provide peace of mind

As a not-for-profit organization, FellowshipLIFE reinvests its earnings into enhancing communities, amenities, and our healthcare and wellness services.

We do not pay dividends to stockholders or equity to owners.

Our fiscal strength ensures that you can live the lifestyle you deserve and receive the highest quality care and service. You want to invest your future in a financially stable, highly respected, fiscally prudent choice. Our leadership team and board of directors are committed to the philosophy of putting the people we serve above all else.

We invite you and your advisors to review our most recent financial reports.

All subsidiaries of FellowshipLife, Inc. as of December 31, 2023 are reported in the audited consolidated financial report. The audited financial statements presented as of December 31, 2023 reflect the operations of the subsidiaries for the period of time that the affiliation was effective during 2023 through the date of the report. Affiliations occurring after the report date will be reflected in the consolidated reporting in the year of affiliation.

Learn more about our philosophy and values as a not-for-profit organization serving older adults.

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