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4 common eye problems for senior citizens

Eye conditions for seniors to watch for and how to treat them 

For most, our eyes are one of the main ways we connect with the world. Sight gives us the joy of seeing a loved one’s face, the beauty of a field of flowers, and the simple pleasure of reading a book. But with age, sometimes our sight begins to worsen. There are many age-related conditions to look for when considering senior eye care. 

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is the leading cause of blindness in those over 50 in the western world. While there are no early symptoms to look for, later symptoms include loss of vision straight ahead, including blurry or wavy areas. A family history of AMD and smoking are some of the most common factors that increase your risk. AMD is diagnosed through a dilated eye exam, so yearly check-ups with your eye doctor are recommended. For late-stage AMD, treatment includes injections in the eye and laser treatment. If it’s caught earlier, there are vitamins that can help slow this common cause of vision loss in seniors. 


Glaucoma is actually a group of eye diseases, most of which cause pressure within the eye from a buildup of fluid. This pressure can eventually cause optic nerve damage, which can lead to blindness. Early detection can mean saving your sight. Regular eye exams typically include testing the pressure on your eye, which is just one of the many ways a doctor can diagnose glaucoma. Treatment options range from drops and pills to surgery, though newer technologies mean surgical options may be minimally invasive. 


Cataracts are another common eye problem senior citizens face. Over 50% of Americans 80 and older have them or have already had surgery to remove them. A cataract is a clouding in the lens of your eye. As they get worse, they can make everyday tasks, like reading or driving, difficult or even impossible. They are typically caused by age but can also occur after an eye injury. Luckily, they are easily removed through surgery. 

Diabetic retinopathy

If you have any type of diabetes, diabetic retinopathy is something to watch for. High blood sugar can damage your retina over time, which can lead to blurry vision, floating spots, and even blindness. Your doctor can easily diagnose this condition with a simple dilated eye exam. Treatments include injections, laser treatments, and eye surgery. 

Take a whole health approach to eye care

There are many eye problems faced by senior citizens. Regular screenings can keep you and your eyes healthy. FellowshipLIFE focuses on the health needs of all our residents through personalized wellness and proactive care. We can help you keep track of health markers that could impact your eye health, from blood pressure to blood sugar. Contact us today to learn more about medical services and to see if FellowshipLIFE is the right home for you.