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Good Sleep Habits Can Add Years to Your Life

Did you know 8% of all deaths in the United States can be attributed to poor sleep habits?

That’s what a new study from Harvard Medical School suggests. A good night’s sleep affects more than just your mood and ability to concentrate (though these are important reasons to get sufficient shut-eye as well). There’s also new evidence that good sleep habits can help you live a longer, healthier life.

What the Research Says

In research that was presented to the American College of Cardiology in March 2023, Harvard clinicians surveyed more than 170,000 people to dig into their sleeping habits. They wanted to know more than if the subjects simply got enough sleep. They wanted to see how certain sleep habits affected their health.
According to the study, men who followed all five “ideal sleep patterns” could expect to live 4.7 years longer, and women 2.4 years longer than those who did not. Those five important sleep patterns are as follows:

  • Getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night
  • Difficulty falling asleep no more than two times per week
  • Difficulty staying asleep no more than twice a week
  • Not using sleeping pills
  • Feeling well rested at least five mornings per week

Another important finding: Starting good sleep habits at a younger age adds the most benefit. Researchers suggest that having solid sleep patterns in place by age 30 is best for longevity, but there are benefits for health and well-being at every age.

How to Improve Sleep Habits

This new research makes very clear that it’s the habit of good sleep that delivers benefits over time. Building a new habit – or breaking a bad one – isn’t instantaneous, but you can always improve your sleep habits with practice. Try these CDC-approved tips to improve on the most important measures of good sleep:

  • Keep a regular bedtime: Consistency can help you get those eight hours, so don’t stay up so late that you sacrifice your rest.
  • Wake up without an alarm: If at all possible, wake up with the sun, in keeping with your own natural rhythms. This will help you get enough sleep and feel more rested in the morning.
  • Keep electronics out of the bedroom: Watching TV or browsing the internet can keep your mind racing and make it harder to fall asleep. Try reading or meditating before bed instead.
  • Get regular exercise: Staying active during the day helps you feel more tired at night, so you fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer.
  • Avoid heavy food and drink for dinner: Having too much to eat can keep you up. It’s also best to avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can wreak havoc on your sleep patterns.
  • Avoid sleeping pills: Remember, the new study finds that sleeping without these aids is best for your health. Try a relaxing cup of uncaffeinated chamomile tea instead.

No matter what your age, you can improve your sleep patterns and enjoy the benefits of better sleep right now. Fellowship Connected Living is dedicated to improving all aspects of life for people aging in place and the caregivers who love them. From improving health outcomes to building stronger interpersonal connections, we’re here for you.