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Lift Your Mood with These Easy Indoor Plants for Senior Living

Gardening is good for our health and our brains, but what do you do when you live in an apartment? You can try your hand at growing indoor plants. Some of the best houseplants for senior apartments look amazing, are easy to care for and make you feel great. 

Can Houseplants Make You Feel Better?

The answer is yes! Studies show that houseplants can remove up to 87% of toxins from the air in 24 hours. In addition to clearing the air, houseplants improve concentration, reduce stress levels and make us feel better.

What Are the Best Houseplants for Senior Apartments?

Now you know houseplants are good for wellness, you can look for easy-care indoor plants to jazz up your senior-living apartment. To help, we present a list of houseplants requiring minimum care: 

  1. 1. Spider plant. With narrow variegated leaves, these plants help restore moisture in your home. Spider plants are low maintenance, only requiring water once a week. 
  2. 2. Aloe vera. This succulent is easy to take care of and has healing properties. If you have a cut or sunburn, snip a leaf and rub the aloe on your skin. Place in indirect sunlight and water once weekly. 
  3. 3. Snake plant. Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant converts carbon dioxide into oxygen at night, making it ideal for your bedroom. The unusually hearty species only needs water every couple of weeks. 
  4. 4. Golden pothos. These are often considered the best plant for beginners. They are easy to look after and even withstand quite a bit of neglect. They are beautiful hanging plants. 
  5. 5. Monstera or Swiss cheese plant. Because these are fast-growing, they can fill a corner of the room quickly. Keep evenly moist and place in indirect sunlight.

More Challenging Houseplants for Senior Apartments

Once you see how much fun indoor gardening is and have successfully nurtured your plants for a few months, you may be ready to move up to something more complicated. Here are a few houseplants that require a bit more attention:

  1. 1. Maranta prayer plant. This is a moderately difficult plant, but the eye-catching leaves make it worth the effort. You must keep the soil consistently moist, but do not overwater it. Mist the leaves frequently and use a houseplant fertilizer. 
  2. 2. Fiddle leaf fig. A slightly difficult beauty, this glossy green-leaved plant is sensitive to climate changes within your apartment. Avoid drafts and temperature changes. 
  3. 3. Alocasia or elephant ear plant. This striking tropical favorite boasts dark leaves with almost white veins. It is hardy in low light but needs high humidity. You must mist it, feed it and dust the leaves frequently. 

These easy indoor plants for seniors can make you feel better and add a touch of warmth to your home. If you are looking for a home in a vibrant active living community where you can showcase your budding green thumb, we invite you to explore Friends Village in Woodstown, NJ. Enjoy a maintenance-free lifestyle that gives you more time to do the things you enjoy — like growing more beautiful houseplants ideal for our welcoming senior-living apartments. We invite you to book a tour today!