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Simple Changes to Help Reduce Springtime Allergies

A senior woman blowing her nose.

Springtime is approaching rapidly and with the new season comes beautiful flowers, blooming trees and freshly cut grass. Unfortunately, these amazing seasonal changes bring about pesky springtime allergies. If you’re reading this blog, chances are you’re someone that’s dealt with seasonal allergies before: from minor sneezing and congestion caused by tree pollen to severe hay fever. Luckily, there are a few simple lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce your chances of experiencing miserable springtime allergies.

How to Avoid Springtime Allergies

The good news is springtime allergies are incredibly common and something that millions of people experience every year. The bad news is the information doesn’t relieve your sneezing, watery eyes and runny nose.

As we head into the spring months, these 5 tips can help you avoid the worst of the springtime allergy season:

1. Be Cautious When You’re Outdoors.

If you are prone to springtime allergies, do your best to stay indoors on dry, windy days. Pay attention to the weekly weather forecast in your area and try to plan outdoor activities around when the pollen count outside will be lower. A good rainfall can help clear pollen from the air, so it may be a good idea to spend time outside after it’s recently rained.

2. Avoid Activities that Trigger Your Allergies.

If possible, avoid doing things such as mowing the lawn, spending time gardening and other outdoor activities that can trigger your allergies. If you are unable to avoid outdoor chores and activities, try wearing a pollen mask to reduce the amount of pollen you’re exposed to. If you’re not inhaling as much pollen as you have in the past, your allergy symptoms are likely to be less severe.

3. Keep Your Indoor Air Clean.

When you are inside your home or car, it’s important to use your air conditioning, a dehumidifier or high-efficiency filters to keep the air you’re breathing free from pollen and other allergy triggers. You should also aim to vacuum your home at least once a week and choose a vacuum with a high efficiency particulate air filter, if possible. This keeps your home allergen-free.

4. Keep Your House Extra Clean.

Each time you come back home, you bring small parts of the outside world inside with you. Your hair, clothes, shoes and even skin are covered in tiny particles, such as pollen and other allergens. You can reduce the number of allergens in your home by taking a shower and changing your clothes as soon as you get home. It’s also always a good idea to leave your shoes at the door to minimize spreading allergens throughout the house.

5. Know What Your Specific Allergies Are.

Everyone is different, which means everyone reacts differently to allergens. With a wide variety of allergens present in the springtime, your best chance of preparing for them is to know which ones you’re allergic to. Take note of allergies you can recall from previous years that you reacted to or you can use indoor and outdoor allergen tests to officially find out what you’re allergic to.

3 Ways to Manage Springtime Allergies

If even after taking these precautions you still find yourself struggling this springtime allergies, here are 3 ways to help alleviate your symptoms:

  1. 1. Try Over-The-Counter Medicine: If deemed safe for you, take over-the-counter medications such as oral antihistamines, decongestants and nasal sprays.
  2. 2. Rinse Your Sinuses: Rinsing out your nasal passages can be a quick, effective way to relieve sinus congestion. When you use a saline solution, it can help flush out mucus and allergens from inside your nose.
  3. 3. See Your Doctor: If your springtime allergies are still making life unbearable, it’s best to consult your doctor. Your physician will be able to better assess your situation and recommend alternative treatments.

Fellowship Village Helps Keep You Healthy

Fellowship Village understands the importance of whole-person wellness. This is why we incorporate the seven dimensions of wellness into our BRAVO Wellness program. From physical wellness to your spiritual growth, our BRAVO Wellness program incorporates a wide range of activities, events and classes to enhance your wellness.

Fellowship Village residents also have access to Fellowship Medical Group, a team of experienced physicians, nurse practitioners and specialists. If you’re struggling with colds, congestion or other symptoms from springtime allergies, you have an entire team of health professionals on campus ready to care for you.

Contact us today to learn more about our BRAVO Wellness program, Fellowship Medical Group and what life is like at Fellowship Village.