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Tips for Seniors Ready to Downsize, Declutter and Refresh

senior woman packing up a box

Why Now is the Right Time to Downsize

Maybe you’ve lived in your home for decades, and every nook and cranny is chock-full of cherished memories, from children and grandchildren tromping down the stairs to the yellowing pictures of your own parents framed on your wall. Or maybe you found your dream home a little later in life, a great space in your ideal neighborhood.

However long we’ve been in our homes, it can be painful to consider leaving them. But if you’ve spent any time cleaning vacant bedrooms, calling the handyman for yet another urgent fix, or tending to an unruly lawn, it might be time to make a change.

Is Now the Right Time to Downsize?

When is it the right time to downsize from your home to another location, whether it’s a smaller house, an apartment or an independent living community? When you’re considering if the time is right for you, it’s helpful to make a list, to talk to family and friends, and to consider these questions:

  • Has the cost of maintaining your home become burdensome?
    It’s a given that every home needs maintenance, and it can be expensive. If you’re finding the need for outside help is the rule not the exception, it’s time to ask: Is it worth it? Does your house bring you more joy or inconvenience?
  • How much unused space do you have?
    Do you have multiple, unused bedrooms collecting dust and running up your heating bill? A massive garage full of stuff? Does the time and money spent keeping unused areas clean and temperature controlled benefit your life or does it weigh you down?
  • Are you lonely?
    Maybe you host family gatherings once a week, or a bridge night now and then, or everyone gathers at your home for the holidays. But perhaps the intermittent gatherings don’t justify the downtime you spend alone. One significant reason to consider an independent living community like Fellowship Village is the built-in social interactions and friendships. Connection is hugely important for all of us, and if you’re not getting it, it may be time to downsize and move.
  • Can you afford to age in place?
    The cost of aging in place can be daunting when you consider home healthcare, transportation needs and remodeling for mobility ease. There can be huge financial advantages to downsizing, and we recommend you consult professionals to understand your bottom line.

Downsizing Tips for Seniors

Once you’ve made the decision to move, it’s important to stay organized. We’ve put together a list of downsizing tips to help you through the process.

1. It’s never too early to start preparing.
Cleaning, organizing, throwing away junk, donating to charity and saving cherished pieces for the family takes time and energy. Begin prepping for your move up to a year in advance. This will greatly lessen your stress and allow you to take all the time you need.

2. Set a firm but flexible schedule.
Whether you’re downsizing or tackling a large-scale project, if you fail to set a deadline, the process can take forever. Work with your family, friends or a downsizing professional to set attainable goals, fix a move-out date and stay on target.

3. Make a plan.
When you have a plan, you’ll feel more in control. First, consider the space you’re moving from and the space you’re moving to. If you’re downsizing into independent living, keep your eye on the prize. The space may be different, but you’re gaining so much. Take it one room at a time and maintain a system (keep, toss, donate, pass to family).

4. Don’t skip the decluttering step.
Decluttering is a crucial part of downsizing. How can you declutter easily? One approach is to ask whether you’ve used the item or worn that piece of clothing within the past year. If the answer is no, it gets donated or tossed.

A decluttered, streamlined home can set the stage for an exciting move into a new chapter of your life. If a move to independent living sounds like it might be right for you, now is a great time to “rightsize.” We’d love to talk to you about your options for moving to Fellowship Village independent living.