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What is a Medical Spa? More Than Botox and Fillers

A senior woman in a white robe relaxing happily at a spa.

Gracefully aging or forever young? That seems to be the eternal question. But today’s emphasis on living a beautiful, camera-ready life means more people are looking in the mirror and deciding they need a little help. Most may choose a day spa visit for a little pampering. Some may opt for surgical intervention. But FellowshipLife believes the best solution is a visit to a medical spa.

What is a Med Spa?

A medical or med spa provides medical-grade skin care treatments. Unlike a day spa, a med spa’s services are supervised by a licensed physician. In New Jersey, only licensed medical professionals such as a qualified Nurse Practitioner can inject neurotoxins like Botox. And while all procedures are supervised by a licensed physician, Thrive Med Spa will also have an aesthetician providing medical-grade skin care treatments and facials.

Benefits of a Medical Spa

The primary benefit of a med spa is its ability to offer medical-grade aesthetic services and a focus on treating the entire person. A day spa, on the other hand, employs estheticians who focus on cosmetic treatments.
In 2021, med spas performed 7,785,150 nonsurgical procedures for the five most-requested services:

  • Injectable neurotoxins such as Botox
  • Dermal fillers (Hyaluronic acid)
  • Chemical peels, hydrafacials and other skin treatments
  • Hair removal
  • Intense Pulsed Light therapy (IPL)

Thrive Med Spa Services

Many people visit a med spa for treatments to delay or turn back the effects of aging. However, med spa services go beyond aesthetics in order to enhance a person’s overall health. In addition to injectables, fillers, and other skin treatments, Thrive will also offer BroadBand Light therapy (BBL). This is a noninvasive therapy using light energy to address the visible signs of aging. The intense pulsed light penetrates the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate cell regeneration.

For those interested in turning back the effects of time, spa day activities for seniors might include:

  • EMFACE® uses high-intensity facial electrical stimulation (HIFES) and radiofrequency technology to treat facial muscle density and stimulate collagen and elastin production. In other words, it’s a 20-minute, needle-free face lift without the downtime.
  • EMSELLA® offers a nonsurgical solution to stress urinary incontinence experienced by new mothers and women over the age of 50. EMSELLA delivers the equivalent of 11,200 kegel exercises in a single 30-minute session to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. High-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) delivers the muscle contractions as the client sits fully clothed in the chair. An initial six-session treatment is typical.
  • IV Therapy could be the answer when friends mention you look tired or you’re feeling less than 100%. Different formulations combine specific vitamins and hydration to offer anti-aging, immune system or energy support.

Our Med Spa Philosophy

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to life or how an individual chooses to age. The aging process is unique to each of us. That’s one of the reasons the philosophical approach to treatment at Thrive Med Spa is conservative, says Jennifer Reickman, the new manager. Before any treatment is performed, the client has a complimentary consultation to ensure they are a good candidate for a procedure. How an individual responds to treatment cannot be completely predicted given their unique health history, skin elasticity and nutrition. Reickman is also focused on helping to guide client expectations based on realistic outcomes. “We will take a slower pace to see the results before moving on to the next session,” Reickman says.

When asked who the ideal client is for Thrive Med Spa, Reickman says men and women aged 18 to 99 are all welcome. In fact, the average age of med spa clients is steadily decreasing as younger men and women pay more attention to their health and appearance. And Baby Boomers have lived their entire lives promoting a youth-focused culture. Some might say they are the Peter Pan generation convinced they will never grow old.

Look Good to Feel Good

Studies have shown there is a correlation between looking good and feeling good about yourself. A 2022 study published in American Psychologist, the journal of the American Psychological Association, found that self-esteem matters, and it has a measurable effect on health, careers and other factors of life. Choosing med spa treatments to enhance your appearance or improve your physical health not only can make you feel and look younger, it can boost your self esteem.

As a part of Fellowship Village, Thrive Med Spa is committed to treating the whole person. Reickman stresses the team wants to get to know our clients as individuals. They intend to listen carefully in order to address their emotional, aesthetic and physical needs. Why? Because that is the best way to deliver great results for each individual. Personalized care. That is the heart of the FellowshipLife approach to health and wellness. If you are ready to see what science and personalized attention can do for you, contact Thrive Med Spa to schedule your first appointment today.