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New Year’s resolutions for a happy, healthy 2024

As we get closer to ringing in the new year, many people start thinking about what they want to achieve in 2024. There are lots of ways we can improve our lives, and there are many options for implementing healthy routines for older adults. Here are 5 resolutions to consider adopting as you welcome the new year. 

Make new friends

Social isolation can be a health risk for seniors, so finding a meaningful connection is more than just for fun. At FellowshipLIFE communities, there are plenty of ways to make new friends. Join a book club and bond over your favorite authors, enjoy the walking trails with a walking club, or even start a bridge or pinochle club in the game room. 

Improve your physical fitness

Maybe this year you want to get more active. You don’t have to wait until the spring to start active aging in the new year. At FellowshipLIFE communities, there are plenty of ways to stay active indoors. Whether you join a gym for Christmas or you snag a couple cans of veggies to use as weights in your own home, there are lots of ways to get fit. Check with your medical care team for senior wellness tips that are tailored to your needs. 

Eat better

Everyone’s health needs are going to be a little different, but there are some general healthy lifestyle changes for seniors that you can consider, such as adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Cutting back on sugar and fried foods is another step, though an air fryer is a great idea to help you cut calories while still enjoying a satisfying crunch. Enjoy restaurant-style dining at any of the FellowshipLIFE communities while still being health conscious. The chef-crafted menus focus on nutritious, locally sourced ingredients that make your taste buds and your nutritionist happy.

Spend time with loved ones

While making new friends is one great way to decrease loneliness in older adults, spending time with family and friends you’ve known a long time is also good for your mental health. Reminiscing about your life can help give you a sense of self and confidence, which can be especially helpful for those with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Talking about your favorite work stories with work friends or telling a grandchild about a cherished family tradition is a great way to connect with others and even pass along knowledge. 

Stay positive

If you’re looking for positive habits for seniors in the new year, you can start by being, well, positive. There are many health benefits to positive thinking, such as an increased life span, greater resistance to illness, and lower rates of depression and pain. Trying to find good in even a gray winter day (oh look, an excuse to curl up with a blanket and a book!) can help you alleviate extra stress in your life. 

Join a happy, healthy community in 2024

At FellowshipLIFE, we want to help seniors to live fulfilling lives where they stay active, heathy, and happy for as long as possible. Contact us today to learn more about the great amenities at our four senior living communities and how they can help you have a great 2024.