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Personal Training for Older Adults at Home

personal trainer at senior woman's home

Did you know you can get all the benefits of personal training for older adults right in your own home? Whether you need rehabilitation after an injury or health event, or you want to maintain your wellness with a custom physical fitness routine, having a personal trainer can make all the difference. In-home sessions aren’t just convenient. They also provide significant benefits. Here’s how personal training for seniors can transform your health and well-being.

5 Benefits of a Personal Trainer

  1. 1. Just-Right Exercises: As you get older, you still need to exercise about 150 minutes a week for optimal health. However, it’s crucial to modify exercises to accommodate the changes in your body, such as decreased range of motion, muscle loss, or balance issues. The National Strength and Conditioning Association recommends a personalized approach that adapts to your abilities and allows you to progress at your own pace. A personal trainer can customize your exercise program for the best results.
  2. 2. Improved Mobility: Personal training for seniors can help you stay active and mobile as you age. By maintaining muscle strength and flexibility, you reduce the odds of sustaining an injury and maintaining your ability to perform daily activities. This is a “use it or lose it” situation! Regular exercise keeps you physically ready to walk with friends, bend down to pat your pup, or lift your grandkids for a hug.
  3. 3. Increased Accountability: Your exercise program only works if you stick with it! An in-home personal trainer for seniors makes you more likely to complete your sessions, which is the best way to see results. When your trainer comes to you, you never have to worry about how you’ll get to the gym in bad weather, and you have more motivation to do your best when someone is actively coaching you.
  4. 4. Personal Connection: Working with a personal trainer gives you the opportunity to converse with another person and develop a connection with someone new. This is especially important if you live alone or are rehabbing after a long illness. Social connections are vital in sustaining mental health and warding off depression.
  5. 5. Tailor-Made Program: If you’ve tried an exercise program in the past only to get bored and give up after a few weeks, personal training may be just the thing you need. Your trainer can build your program around your interests, whether you like to dance or prefer weights. They can provide suggestions for shaking things up and introduce new activities as needed to keep you on your toes.

It’s easier than ever to get the benefits of personal training for seniors in your own home.  Friends Village’s Personal Training Wellness Service offers everything you need for recovery and improved wellness, including:

  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Personal training
  • Massage therapy

Our services are available to residents of Friends Village and older residents of New Jersey at large. Get in touch with us to learn more about how you can enjoy the benefits in your home today!